we are a creative studio founded by all entrepreneurs that will make your business grow. we take care of your brand strategy, your visual identity, build your web page and accompany you in this way



we will be your mentors|do your branding|create your web page|be your photographers


Let us help you with our experiences in the entrepreneurial world. We assist you in bringing your ideas to life. Whether you’re starting from scratch or rebuilding your business or yourself, we’re here to help you. Everyone needs a hand sometimes!


From branding to visual identities and all the graphic designs you need for your personal brand or business, we understand your requirements and flow with our creativity to create all the visual aspects.


Of course, we will also create your webpage, with all the UX and UI groundwork done, so it looks cool and effective. Anything you need, we will do it!


We can help you take photos of yourself or your projects so they look nice for your website, social media, and any other needs you may have. As nomads, we offer this service where we are currently living. So ask and might arrange!


We love partnering with companies who are passionate about making a positive impact, caring for others, and nurturing the environment.

creative minds

From start to finish, we’ve got you covered! Whether you’re just starting out or already have something established, we’re with you every step of the way, helping your business thrive.

Unconventional Businesses Creators

We’re passionate about collaborating with individuals who think outside the box, delve into the unconventional, and pioneer non-traditional businesses to drive positive change.

With whom we enjoy working



We are entrepreneurs so we have lots of experience in building businesses and how the journey of entrepreneurship feels. We have our degrees and specified studies, so we can help you with different areas.

End-to-End Solutions

From start to finish, we’ve got you covered! Whether you’re just starting out or already have something established, we’re with you every step of the way, helping your business thrive.

we are like minded

If you share our values of caring for society and sustainability, you’re in the right place! At our studio, we prioritize working with clients who are committed to making a positive impact.

we are versatile

We don’t adhere to one single style; rather, we focus on understanding each client and their unique aesthetic. Our goal is to craft visual and strategic identities that truly resonate with you


Marie Eleonore Fotografie

branding / web design / web development / mentoring

Out for Wander

branding / web design / web development / mentoring

Web Development

development of webpages

Wildflower Mooncraft

visual identity



The intense one. The business girl. Traveler. Founder of this project and her own, Out for Wander. The energy one. Manifestations, Universe thinking but action girl. The multitasking, so one of the mentors and web design/development if needed!


The fashionist. Also multitasking, so the Founder of Blue and her own fabulous brand, Augustine Deux. Of course, she had to learn a lot, so UX/UI and Branding girl if needed. Your other mentor. Sweet and chill.


Tell hi to our Web Developer! Sweet and lovely, as responsible and cool! She will get your web look the exact way you want! Also from Argentina, so also multitasking. Years of experience working in different companies, mostly start-ups.


The traveler and designer girl. Sweet and responsible. Adventurer. She will understand what you want. Loves to work with other women. Artistic and creative. Of course, Argentinian and traveler, so now enjoying life in New Zealand.

Today we are travelers. Digital nomads, if you like it more. Blue is our safe place where as entrepreneurs we unite to join forces, and where we help other like minded fellows!


If you’re an entrepreneur or a company that cares about others, the environment, is creative, or wants to make a positive impact environmentally, socially, or economically, then get in touch with us! Let’s work together!

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